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 Question: for ADMIN or Mod

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Tuan DC
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 5:13 am

hhhhmmmmmm,,,,, Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079

maaf,,, sebelumnya w gk pernah buka situs2, nge cheat atau mencoba sesuatu yg aneh/berbahaya terhadap laptop w jika DF w keadaan UNLOCK. w pastikan DF nya aktif(lock) bru w bereksperimen.

w gk pake anti virus sama se x,,, dgn kata lain agar laptop w bs wusssshhhh,,,,, wussshhhhhhhhh,,,, wuuuuuussssshhh,,,, :suparman:
kenceng macem petir baik kec kinerja laptop maupun koneksi internet nya... :melet:
(serasa2 gtu deeeeeehhhhh) :piss:

kenapa kmaren nih w lepas(Unlock) DF w trus koneksi internet w lgsg lelet setelah buka situs INI,,,

w berani jamin cma buka 3 situs: FB, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] dan google sbg beranda home w.

biasa nya w donlot donlotan di link lokal spt indowebster dll bs sampe ratusan KBps,, kmaren nih cma 30 s/d 40KBps, itu pun 1 jam lgsg disconnect sendiri.

w curiga ada yg gk beres,,, :scream:

w install anti virus yg w percaya dr dlu Kaspersky removal. ternyata mmg bener ada belasan virus yg terjangkit di system32, recycle dan document/application data nya. untung gk merusak system kerja windows nya.
ada pun virus yg menjangkit VIRUS HEUR.

jd pertanyaan w ma agan Admin atao pun Mod,,,
apakah ada di situs or forum nih virus atau pun Malware nya???

maaf jika pertanyaan w gk berkenan,,, blh di delete ma admin ,,,,,

TQ Question: for ADMIN or Mod 271371
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 5:56 am

maaf ni gan ane mau jwb tp cuma pendapat ane saja?? Question: for ADMIN or Mod 271371

saya kira disini tdk ad firusnya, buktinya ane bisa buka situs ini, klo ini forum ad virus / malwarenya anti virus ane udh ngeblock ini forum biar ane g bisa buka lg??
ane memakai AVAST Pro sbg pelindung pc ane??ane pake itu Cz sensi bngt gan ane suka,.... yg ke 2 ane pake anti malware itu programnya om ane yg bikin?? saya udh coba anti malwarenya bsa bkerja maksimal... :jempol1 n di forum ni nihil malware??

untuk masalah agan mungkin sebelum agan Unlock pc agan sudah ada virus2 nya, jd virusnya ngumpul d suatu program ap folder gt, stlah agan Unlock virus itu masuk lah di pc agan?? :cystg

ane mnt maaf gan klo pndpt ane bnyk yg salah,tp ane cuma share mnurut pikiran n hati ane, hehehe.... soalnya pc kk ane jg pernah gt malahan ampe hang pc nya??trs ane bawa k dokter komputer ane tanya2 jwbnya kyk gt tadi gan ??? Question: for ADMIN or Mod 31835
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 10:33 am

hmmm, ane kurang tau om dari mana virus yang nempel di kompie om berasal,
tapi ane kan udah lama di forum ini, pengalaman ane gak ada yg aneh aneh om di forum ini kek virus and spyware, ane juga pake avira web security dan die diem2 aja kagak teriak. .
ane pernah juga mampir di forum hacking sebelah dan avira ane kadang teriak, nah itu baru ada macem2.. :piss:

kesimpulannya disini aman koq om tenang aja. . Question: for ADMIN or Mod 31835
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 10:55 am

gw kn dah bilang buat yg nyebarin cheat harus menyediakan hasil scan online nya
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
buat yg suka nyebarin cheat harap menyediakan hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
bila ada user yg melihat cheat tanpa hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
silahkan di report

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ini dia
klo udah kyk gini mau di apakan lagi
gw udah ngassih tao klo mau nge share harus ada [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] na
ini kejdiannya jd kyk gini
jd ane gk tanggung jawab gan,
pdhl kn gw dah nyaranin pake [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
untuk hal ini mohon maap, w kgk tau
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 11:54 am

Websense ThreatSeeker Malware site
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Tuan DC
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 12:21 pm

bocah newbie wrote:
gw kn dah bilang buat yg nyebarin cheat harus menyediakan hasil scan online nya
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
buat yg suka nyebarin cheat harap menyediakan hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
bila ada user yg melihat cheat tanpa hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
silahkan di report

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
ini dia
klo udah kyk gini mau di apakan lagi
gw udah ngassih tao klo mau nge share harus ada [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] na
ini kejdiannya jd kyk gini
jd ane gk tanggung jawab gan,
pdhl kn gw dah nyaranin pake [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
untuk hal ini mohon maap, w kgk tau

:jempol wahh bsa untuk scan file yah..
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 12:52 pm

atas: yup bisa scan file carana ente upload itu file terus scan
kgkan ngabisin bandwith kok Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 2:58 pm

bocah newbie wrote:
gw kn dah bilang buat yg nyebarin cheat harus menyediakan hasil scan online nya
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
buat yg suka nyebarin cheat harap menyediakan hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
bila ada user yg melihat cheat tanpa hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
silahkan di report

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
ini dia
klo udah kyk gini mau di apakan lagi
gw udah ngassih tao klo mau nge share harus ada [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] na
ini kejdiannya jd kyk gini
jd ane gk tanggung jawab gan,
pdhl kn gw dah nyaranin pake [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
untuk hal ini mohon maap, w kgk tau

wah setuju gan Question: for ADMIN or Mod 772168924
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 4:18 pm

buat org awam susah banget... Question: for ADMIN or Mod 489233
apalagi gw yg bego... gk ngerti pisan,,, :hammer
kayaknya harus ngacak2 laptop baru bisa pandai...... :hancor:
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 4:21 pm

hahahhaha....... Question: for ADMIN or Mod 4106595937
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 4:59 pm

hehehe,... sama gan kita di sini dlm rangka belajr gan>?? Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
brusaha n serius ni ? Newbie gan Question: for ADMIN or Mod 3529815765
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 10:52 pm

cocoknya di area chit chat nech.... :takut
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 12:53 am

kalo ane mah bukan dari forumnya om, om TSnya aja kudu hati2 buka file2 yg di sedot tapi gak d scan, contoh di idws,ato yg lain, setau ane site yg nyediain dengan scan pirusnya tuh 4shared, so klo sedot file pasti ada bacaan bahwa file ini tidak terjangkit pirus. segitu aja dah Question: for ADMIN or Mod 3402572103
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:48 am

aman ini forum gan,,saya jamin dah ,,itu bukan dari forumnya pasti,, Question: for ADMIN or Mod 3529815765 selama saya disini blm ada virus yang masuk ke kompi ane,,aman2 aja paling ada juga klo ane download sotfware atu download dari web lain ane biasanya baru kena,,tpi gak berhaya juga sih gan hehe cuma pirus kecil2an
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Tuan DC
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Tuan DC

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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 11:11 am

kbnyakan dwnload gk bner tuh oms.. mkanya kna virus.. Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 12:41 pm

Rypto wrote:
maaf ni gan ane mau jwb tp cuma pendapat ane saja?? Question: for ADMIN or Mod 271371

saya kira disini tdk ad firusnya, buktinya ane bisa buka situs ini, klo ini forum ad virus / malwarenya anti virus ane udh ngeblock ini forum biar ane g bisa buka lg??
ane memakai AVAST Pro sbg pelindung pc ane??ane pake itu Cz sensi bngt gan ane suka,.... yg ke 2 ane pake anti malware itu programnya om ane yg bikin?? saya udh coba anti malwarenya bsa bkerja maksimal... :jempol1 n di forum ni nihil malware??

untuk masalah agan mungkin sebelum agan Unlock pc agan sudah ada virus2 nya, jd virusnya ngumpul d suatu program ap folder gt, stlah agan Unlock virus itu masuk lah di pc agan?? :cystg

ane mnt maaf gan klo pndpt ane bnyk yg salah,tp ane cuma share mnurut pikiran n hati ane, hehehe.... soalnya pc kk ane jg pernah gt malahan ampe hang pc nya??trs ane bawa k dokter komputer ane tanya2 jwbnya kyk gt tadi gan ??? Question: for ADMIN or Mod 31835

hhhhmmmmm,,, biasa klo seblm lock DF, w scan dlu pake antivirus gan,,, klo clear bru w lock DF w,, gtu gan Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 12:47 pm

jaka gandry wrote:
buat org awam susah banget... Question: for ADMIN or Mod 489233
apalagi gw yg bego... gk ngerti pisan,,, :hammer
kayaknya harus ngacak2 laptop baru bisa pandai...... :hancor:

wkwkwkwkwkwk,,,, Question: for ADMIN or Mod 3529815765
kang jaka jgn segtu nya deeeeehhhhh
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 1:37 am

bocah newbie wrote:
gw kn dah bilang buat yg nyebarin cheat harus menyediakan hasil scan online nya
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
buat yg suka nyebarin cheat harap menyediakan hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
bila ada user yg melihat cheat tanpa hasil [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
silahkan di report

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
ini dia
klo udah kyk gini mau di apakan lagi
gw udah ngassih tao klo mau nge share harus ada [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] na
ini kejdiannya jd kyk gini
jd ane gk tanggung jawab gan,
pdhl kn gw dah nyaranin pake [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Question: for ADMIN or Mod 1956393079
untuk hal ini mohon maap, w kgk tau

justru itu w blg w gk pake anti vir biar laptop ane cpt booting atau apa aja dah,,,

w jg bingung,,, kenapa di temporary internet file nya dr forum nih w acak2,,, pd hal w jg gk ada download2 gan,,

w buka DF w krn maintanance game fifa indo, ma pb. krn dah lama gk main.

n gk mgkn lah krn update/maintanance game dpt virus gan,,, dpt duit gk apa lah Question: for ADMIN or Mod 3529815765
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 1:54 am


gk usah pusing lg jwb nya gan,,,, Laptop w dah w Install ulang,,, dah w scan pake antivir Kaspersky removal up to date,,, Clean dgn virus belasan di Doc n setting

w internetan,,, msh labt jg,,, w pake norton 2010 up to date,, clean dgn beberapa Temporary Internet Files yg terjangkit,,,

w internetan lg,,, malah parah jd putus2,, atau DC.

w pake KIS up to date,,, clean dgn beberapa file ma ekst gk jelas ntah dr mana timbul nya w delete.

w internetan lg,,,, malah cma 1KBps koneksi nya,,, n RUn w jg gk bs beroperasi,,,,

:nangis w mkn jengkel,,,, dr pd pusing bener yg nggu scan virus berjam2 malah memakan 1 harian,,, akhirnya laptop w install ulang,,,,
hhhhhuuuuuuuuuhhhhh :jengkel :stres

skrg kenceng lg gan,,, w urusan virus plg jengkeel n jijik gan,,, gk pernah w mau pusing nyari sela2 nya,,, tp pas kena baru pusing 7 kllg :pusing

hhhhmmmm,,, klo mmg forum nya no spyware n malware berarti bagus dunk,,,, :piss:

TQ penjelasannya n pencerahannya gan... :sikat
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Question: for ADMIN or Mod Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Question: for ADMIN or Mod   Question: for ADMIN or Mod Icon_minitime

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Question: for ADMIN or Mod
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