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 Which cert should i take? CEH/CPTE/CPT/OSCP/eCPPT

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Pro Nubie
Pro Nubie

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Which cert should i take? CEH/CPTE/CPT/OSCP/eCPPT Empty
PostSubyek: Which cert should i take? CEH/CPTE/CPT/OSCP/eCPPT   Which cert should i take? CEH/CPTE/CPT/OSCP/eCPPT Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 2:23 pm

Welcome to EthicalHacker.net! I think the OSCP would be the best bang for your buck in all honesty, but it could come off extremely hard depending on your skills relating to pen-testing. I've heard CISSP is more of a management cert, but I'm guessing with 7 years and your Bachelor's under your belt, you've at least toyed with Penetration Testing for awhile. Having taken the course myself, I found it challenging, and I learned a ton. If you want to get some of my background on it before going in, I wrote a review
here which may come in handy.

I've also taken the Pro course at eLearnSecurity at this is a great course also. The certification exam and course as a whole is hands-on, and writing a detailed report is 50% of the examination I believe. What I noticed that I liked more in OSCP over the eCPPT course is that we as an Off-Sec student your handed a lab with over 50 machines with pre-configured vulnerabilities to break into and test your skills. At the time I was going through eCPPT (last year around September or October) this wasn't available. The labs were more based around pulling material down from the course and practicing on your own machine. Both are great courses and if your newer to penetration testing I would say go with eCPPT. If you've been dabbling awhile and like pain, go for OSCP. This is all just from my experience! I would also just like to add in that I believe eLearnSecurity accepts payments, so if your budget is tight, this could be a great route. eLearnSecurity also still appears to have their 5% off the course for EH-NET members which can be redeemed here.

I've heard CPT is a fun course. I actually think we have a couple members who have their CPT certifications that may be able to add on their input to help out. Incase they don't respond, here's a CPT review link below:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

In regards to CEH and CPTE, I know CEH is more recognized in the industry but I also hear you can walk out of the course certified as a CEH, and not know how to penetrate systems. There are tons of CEHs on this board who could lend their opinions on the course. I asked Mile2 if their CPTE course prepares an individual for CEH and got a solid summarized response of, 'Yes'. It seems like if you take CPTE, you might as well sign up for the CEH exam. Maybe this will help you out [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Companies are of course all for promoting their training over others. It's overall a competitive world and there's tons of great resources out there. Take everything in before deciding! (:
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