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 Tutorial find out if our PC is under attack of trojan viruses

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Tutorial find out if our PC is under attack of trojan viruses Empty
PostSubyek: Tutorial find out if our PC is under attack of trojan viruses   Tutorial find out if our PC is under attack of trojan viruses Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 10:58 pm


Please delete if it is repost....thank you!

Lets analyze all ports and find out if our PC is infected of some kind of Trojans.

Before anything else lets have a look the descriptions of some Trojans uses in hacking or infecting our PC.

_NETBUS : Netbus is a trojan written in Delphi by Carl-Fredrik Neikter
(swedish programmers) in 1998. hehave two essential parts; a server (the part that resides on the slave's system) and a client (the application used to find and control the server). this trojan open the slave to endless possibilities ranging from mere pranks to viruses, serious loss or theft of valuable or sensitive data, other trojans, and so on.

that trojan use the port 12345 to enter in your computer.

_PRORAT:prorat is a s a Microsoft Windows based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known as a RAT . As with other trojan horses it uses a client and server. ProRat opens a port on the computer which allows the client to perform numerous operations on the server

prorat use port 5110

_BIFROST: bifrost is an advanced RAT, that allows users to control computers that are behind firewalls and routers.

bifrost use port 81

_poison use port 3460

_brmoda use port 5015

_shark use port 60123

_turkojan use port 15963

_hav-rat use port 197

First, be sure your connected in the internet and lets trace some suspicious ports and applications running.

Now lets take a look this one:
click startup→run→cmd→write "netstat -n" AND YOU WILL SEE THIS:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

As you observe the numbers appeared in ports section are infected:


the first thing you do is close your connection and scan your pc with a full scan to remove all infected and suspicious files.

_close ports with this easy steps :

1-startup→run→ping host you will see cmd windows and its gone.

2-startup→run→ping port

3-startup→run→ping port1027

4-startup→run→ping port80


6-startup→run→ping port and your finished!

My personal suggestion to prevent this kind of Trojans, use DEEP FREEZE in your PC after scanning all your system to avoid PC infections...

That's all hope it helps to all readers....
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