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 How to Computer Viruses Work by Type

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Kevin Toor
Kevin Toor

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How to Computer Viruses Work by Type Empty
PostSubyek: How to Computer Viruses Work by Type   How to Computer Viruses Work by Type Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 6:28 pm

Virus is a computer program that has the ability to destroy files or damage a computer system.
Viruses have different types and has a way of working is different,
The following types of viruses and how each virus:
1. virus files
This virus has a way of working that is infecting the application or any documents in your computer.
When an infected application is run, the virus will spread in a way infect all filesor documents that are accessed by the application.

2. Boot Sector Virus
This virus has a way of working that is infecting the hard disk boot sector (boot sector is an area in the hard drive is accessible when the computer is firstturned on).
If a boot sector virus is active, users will not be able to boot the computernormally.
3. E-mail Virus
This virus has a way of working that is spread through e-mail (usually in the form of attached files / attachments).
The virus has the special characteristic of the extension. Scr,. Exe,. Pif, or. Bat.
If the virus is active, then he will send itself to e-mail addresses contained in the user’s address book.
4. Multipartite virus
This virus has a way of working that infects computer files on the hard disk boot sector as well.
This type of virus will cause many problems because it causes fatal damage.
5. polymorphic virus
This virus has a unique way of working that this virus can change itself (changeform) while spreading itself to other computers
Type virus is more difficult to detect because it has properties like that ..
6. Virus Stealth (stealth virus)
This virus has a way of working that he was able to hide himself by making aninfected file as if the file is not infected.
7. Macro viruses
This virus has a way of working that infect Microsoft Office applications, like Word and Excel.
Documents are usually infected by the virus will modify the Macro command inMicrosoft Office such as the “Save” to spread itself when the command is executed.
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